Attachment Issues
Coming apart at the seams
A friend of mine came to me with a problem. He had a dresser that he liked but the top was splitting in multiple places. He would rather fix it, or have me fix it, instead of throwing it away. Seeing as I can relate to being broken and borderline useless, I was inclined to help.
In order to properly fix this problem, it is important to understand how it came to be. It all comes down to something we all learn in our pre-teen years: wood grows and shrinks. As the seasons change, wood will expand and contract in response to humidity. In summer, wood will absorb some of the moisture in the air and swell; while in the winter wood will lose moisture and shrink. While annoying, this is not an issue as long as it is accounted for. But like a clingy ex: just because you ignore it, that doesn’t mean it’s going away.
Let It Rip
It’s All About the Hardware
And the final result…
I actually forgot to take a picture after I was done and my friend then took his dresser and moved to another state to get as far away from me as possible. So you’re just going to have to trust me that it turned out.