The DIY Blog You weren’t Looking For but found anyway

Trying to remodel your kitchen for under $5K?  Do you hate people? Well then this blog is for you.  Whether it’s updating those old closet doors or installing a ceiling fan that can hold your bodyweight, Until the Day I DIY is the home remodel blog you weren’t looking for but you just found. 

When you have no friends, like me, the internet is really the only solution.  DIY blogs can be great sources of ideas, but they are just too happy.  So what makes this one different?  Here you will find budget friendly remodel ideas, unique furniture and crafts, and lots of angst.  You will not find annoying children, my life story, or happiness. 

 So enjoy it, or don’t.  This blog was here before you stumbled upon it, and it will be here until I’m forced to take it down by my therapist. 

Not Just a blog

if you think you need to have something and want me to make you something then please contact me. everything i do is custom and my life is often a hot mess. yes, that means you will probably have to wait.

On that note: I am not a contractor nor do I wish to be. And In case my father forgot, I am also not a doctor nor do I wish to be.